
I know I have not written anything here in a long time but I felt the need to share this. I have noticed in the last few months that I decided to change how I dress at work, how I wear my hair and how I hold myself.  Now do not get me wrong, I have always been appreciated at work and they have always told me what a wonderful employee I am. They are even considering hiring me full time just because of the way I interact with the staff and students. But recently I found myself wanting to be respected a an equal and I wanted to see if changing how I look would change how I am treated. All of a sudden I am looked at to help with projects, to head up activities and be the “face” for the students when we have these special events. So I took who I am and what I do on a daily basis and I kicked it up a notch by “looking the part.”

Now I have to ask, am I conforming or just doing what is natural in this situation. I do not believe I have given up one thing that is important to me so I hope that this decision is the best for me. I have noticed that I feel more self assured, more respected and I enjoy knowing that people see that I am the type of person that they want to work with.

What do you think? Do you think that I am giving in, or moving up? I am free spirited and I refuse to kiss but. This is how everybody looks at work.


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